Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008 - What a Day!

We've had an interesting day today. We started with Brayden combing his hair with his fork from breakfast...we had waffles with syrup. He apparently did not get enough sleep last night, he was down for his nap at 11:45am today and slept until 2:30...and so did Noah...yeah for Mom's quiet time! Early evening Brayden had 'an accident' on the kitchen floor (potty training is in full force), as soon as that was cleaned up, Noah decided it was time to cry and Brayden announced that he was pooping and needed me to catch it....yeah, that's not going to happen. Did I mention I was in the middle of making dinner? To top off the evening Bray had a full-blown 30 minute tantrum at bedtime. This was fun, let's do it again tomorrow....

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