Tuesday, December 22, 2009

November 2009

Brayden making faces for the camera.

Brayden doing a puzzle.

Mom and Noah hangin' out.

Noah at OMSI...notice the wet pants legs, he was playing in the water and had an apron that went down to his knees.

Brayden playing in the sand at OMSI, his favorite part of our visits.

Noah playing with the water.

Dad reading to the boys.

Playtime in the leaves.

Brayden helping me pick up leaves.

Noah loves his basketballs. We even got a small one suctioned to the window in our kitchen so he can play basketball indoors during the winter.

Brayden striking a pose.


Brayden and Noah. This pose lasted approximately 3 seconds. Thankfully the photographer was aimed and ready.
Brayden giving Noah some love.

The Family

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