Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Boys

I haven't given an update on the boys lately so I thought I would do so.

Noah is 17 months old and is such a little ham. He is starting to climb (and stand) on the kitchen chairs and even wants to sit on them while he eats. Granted his eyes are at the level of the table and can't see anything yet. He has a small vocabulary right now which includes "thank you", "apple", "milk", "dada", "mama", "doggie", "kitty", "cracker", and "nigh-nigh". When he goes to bed at night he blows us kisses, waves, and says "nigh-nigh". He gets excited every morning when we go in his room to get him. He waves to Rob when he leaves for work in the morning and when Rob gets home in the evening, he is greeted with Noah running to him saying "dada" and arms open for a hug. He has to wear his hat when we leave the house and pats his head as a reminder. He will go to the closet to get his shoes and hat and tries to put them on by himself. When he gets excited he makes noises that sound like a monkey and points to whatever is making him excited. He is such fun to be with.

Brayden will be 4 years old in a couple of weeks and we are getting ready for a Wall-E birthday party. I can't believe how much he has changed in one year. He is a sponge and absorbs everything, even if we don't think he hears us or is paying attention. He loves monster trucks, Buzz Lightyear, Planet Heroes, and Wall-E. He is very persistent. He often tries to negotiate extra playtime or tv time. He is very devoted to his little brother. He helps with Noah and makes sure he doesn't get hurt. As soon as the boys leave the house, Brayden immediately runs to the bottom of the driveway so Noah (who is extremely quick) doesn't run into the street. He helps Noah eat, takes his dishes to the sink, and tries to help put his shoes on. Brayden loves to interact with his friends and loves having someone to play with. He is very thoughtful and gives compliments to his friends and to us.

I am very grateful that I can be at home with them to see them through these early years and I am honored to be their mom.

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