Saturday, March 07, 2009

February / March 2009

Brayden reading up on Disney World.

Noah giving Brayden a little wet willy....

Noah and Cozmo sharing a moment.

Rob and Brayden getting educated for our trip to Disney World in May.

Noah playing on the couch. He loves to jump and bounce on the cushions.

Brayden just relaxin'

Brayden giving Noah a hug (or choke hold).

Brayden's first bowling experience at a birthday party for his friend.

Look who's walking!

Brayden, our monkey.

Brayden playing with masks at the Portland Zoo store.

Pirate Brayden playing at Pirate's Park.

Mom and Noah on the slide.

Brayden climbing at the park.

Noah playing with the beach balls which seem to be scattered throughout our house.

Brayden getting a little tv time.

Noah and mom enjoying the dry weather.

Our Badger fan on the Little Einstein's Rocket.

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