Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27, 2009

This evening I walked into Brayden's bedroom to find Rob and Brayden re-stuffing one of Brayden's Build-A-Bears. Apparantly he ripped open the seam in the bear's back in search for his heart. He wanted to show it to his friend. I'm still laughing about it!

Noah is almost walking by himself. He has started taking a couple of steps. He walks pretty well holding our hands and along furniture. Pretty soon he'll be chasing Brayden around the house.

February 2009

Noah getting cozy with the stuffed animals. For awhile, he was afraid of them.

Brayden playing in the 'little closet'.

Brayden and Noah in the 'little closet'.

Brayden looking through the telescope at the Portland Zoo.

Apparantly the bins are more interesting than the toys in them!

Noah playing in the sand at the Portland Zoo.

Brayden playing in the sand at the Zoo.

January 2009

Noah playing with cars.

Brayden painting...and not liking the camera.

Brayden watching the snow falling.

Noah on the rocking catepillar.

Noah climbing on mom.

Brayden playing with blocks at OMSI.

Noah at OMSI.

Brayden doesn't like his picture taken..he hides whenever he sees me with the camera.

Brayden trying to hide from the camera....but TV is on so he can't quite take his eyes off of it.

Noah organizing the pantry.

Noah's painting...I think.

Noah's first painting.

Brayden's artwork.

Brayden's artwork.