Monday, January 12, 2009


Last week.....I had my back toward the stairs when Brayden came down from his nap. When I heard him ask me to fix one of his toys I turned around to find him standing there with nothing but his socks on, holding a toy. While laughing I told him we need to get some clothes on him. His innocent response was "but I have socks on" if that was enough!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Year's Day 2009

Teresa and her sister, Tina.
We all need that embarrassing "bathtime with your cousin" photo!

Rob, Tina, Brayden, Lauren, and Noah.

Uncle Scott with Noah.

We spent a couple hours playing on the ATV's and sledding in my sister's front yard. Brayden could not get enough of the ATV's and only wanted to ride with Uncle Scott.

Uncle Scott with Brayden.

Wisconsin 2008

Noah with Great Grandma Helen.

It was a white Christmas.

Noah's 1st Birthday (in Wisconsin)

Noah's first cupcake (in Manitowoc with Lemberger family).

Noah's 1st Birthday (in Wisconsin)

Blowing kisses to Grandpa.

First birthday cake.

Brayden and Grandma decorated the cake with a Cootie.

Christmas 2008 - Wisconsin with Lemberger Family

Grandpa Lemberger reading books to Brayden.

The eight grandkids.

Our family started with 6 and grew to 16.

Grandma Lemberger reading to Brayden.
Brayden and his cousin Alex watching tv.

Brayden 'helping' Grandpa shovel snow.

Given the option to play or shover, Brayden chose to shovel.

Grandma playing with Noah.
Brayden and Alex playing with blocks.

Grandma and Grandpa Lemberger
Our niece, Lauren with Great Grandma in the background.

Grandpa opening gifts with Noah.

Christmas 2008 - Wisconsin with Portman Family

Our niece with her new mittens and scarf made by Grandma.

Our nephew Abe with the scarf made by Grandma.

Noah was way past bedtime but hung on long enough to get through the gift opening....

...and this one would have kept going all night!

Rob and the boys. Brayden gave everyone a lot of help opening gifts :-)

Rob's parents with the four grandchidren at American Club in Kohler.

Rob's brother's family....and Brayden.

Rob, Teresa, Brayden, and Noah.

Christmas 2008 - Wisconsin

Brayden and Noah playing at Rob's uncle and aunt's house.

Hey buddy, I don't think that flashlight is quite big enough for you!

Yes, that's our 3 year old with a blow gun, Brayden had a blast playing with it.

They were aiming at various objects in the room with capped darts so no animals were hurt.....