Thursday, November 01, 2007

The boys took inventory of the great pumpkin stash and since this was Brayden's first time eating any of these, he just had to try them...finding that Kit Kats are his favorite. I sat idly by wondering how many cavities he's getting, how much sugar is running through him, how am I going to get him to brush his teeth (a nightly battle), and how I am going to get him to bed (yet another nightly battle). Luckily Rob reassured me that Halloween is only once a year.

October 31, 2007

Halloween Night!
Brayden is all dressed and watching out the window at other Trick-or-Treaters. Brayden had a big day; first starting with a 'mommy and me' activity at daycare decorating and eating cookies. (Brayden ate the first one before the decorations were even available). After this, he went Trick-or-Treating at Intel with daddy. After dinner that evening we went Trick-or-Treating on our street. Of course all of the neighbors thought he was so cute saying 'trick or treat' and 'thank you' that they gave him more than one piece of candy....see following photos.

Monday, October 29, 2007

October 28, 2007

Photos Courtesy of Jeff Mawer
October 28th Halloween Party
Brayden had a great time at the Halloween party. There were monkeys, a kangaroo, a lady bug, a princess, and several other characters. The kids all took turns hitting a pumpkin pinata until snacks came tumbling out. Surprisingly with 10-ish toddlers picking up snacks, there was no hitting, biting, or yelling...whew!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

October, 27, 2007

If only fall in Oregon was always this nice....Brayden had a chance to play in the piles of leaves (that were dry, not soaking wet from the usual rain) while I racked the yard...several times. At least he had fun!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 15, 2007

Lucky for all of you, there is no sound that accompanies this photo.

October 15, 2007

What can we say? We're so proud.

October 14, 2007

October 14, 2007

We loaded all of the pumpkins and the four kids onto the train to return from the pumpking patch....yet they still needed to get from the train to the vehicles...luckily we had a 2 year old and 3 year old to help!

October 14, 2007

Brayden finally found his's the only green one. He insisted on pushing the wheel barrow of punpkins (no, they are not all ours) all the way back...well, maybe he got a little help.

October 14, 2007

October 14, 2007

We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch with our friends. We go to Lakeview Farms in North Plains. There is boat that takes us to the pumpkin patch. On the ride there, we see pirates, sea-monsters (better known as dinosaurs to Brayden), and a shark.

October 13, 2007

Now why would the slide be used to slide down the slide when we can climb up, down the ladder, and hang up-side-down?

October 13, 2007

Brayden loves to play with his soccer ball. We frequently walk the block to the park and watch the big kids play. I have a feeling I'll be a soccer mom soon.

October 8, 2007

Brayden playing in his fort made of sofa cushions. It's so much fun that the cat wants part of the action.

October 7, 2007

Yes, that's our son wearing dad's shoes and carrying a gift bag. He's spending too much time with mom, mimicking her carrying a purse...luckily he just puts his toys and cars in the bag and not lipstick.

October 5, 2007

Brayden loves stickers. We use them frequently to reward good behavior...especially staying in bed at night. If he doesn't get up, he gets to wear a dinosaur sticker on his hand the next morning.

September 2007

Brayden with his play-doe. He is quite happy with the monkey head that pushes out "monkey hair". After playing with this toy, he saw some of our cat's hair on the sofa and yelled out "monkey hair"!

September 2007

Brayden with his paints. For a while he didn't like to use them because they got his hands dirty....imagine that, a boy who doesn't like to get his hands dirty! He's quite content jumping and sitting in mud puddles, though!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

September 16, 2007

Today we made the 50 minute drive to Mt. Angel to attend our first Oregon Oktoberfest. We had the traditional bratwurst with saurkraut, apple struedal, bavarian pretzels, and strawberry shortcake (is that even German?) ...ok, that was for Brayden. Brayden sat still (yes, he sat still!) and listened to the bands play the Chicken Dance and other polkas.

September 2007

Labor Day weekend: We went camping with some friends at Lost Lake on Mount Hood. We went on a short hike where the boys, each with their prop of choice, held hands and chatted in language only they understood...something about sharks in the lake.....

Rob took Brayden on the lake for a leisurely, and very short, tube ride.

The boys spent many hours running their trucks through the dirt, over rocks, under logs, and under our feet.

August 2007

August 2007

August 2007